
The Tuareg People
In Northwestern Africa, there exists a prominent Berber ethnic group known popularly as the Tuareg People. The Tuaregs are a semi-nomadic people group that make up significant portions of the populations of Niger, Mali, Libya, Algeria, and Burkina Faso. Smaller Tuareg communities also exist in Northern Nigeria, where they are
The Luhya Tribe
The Luhya culture, deeply rooted in tradition and heritage, shares similarities with many Bantu cultural practices prevalent across Africa. While polygamy was once widespread, it now sees limited practice, mostly among those marrying under traditional African or Muslim laws. Civil and Christian marriages, administered by government authorities, typically preclude polygamous
Economy in Medieval West Africa
For the past century, Africa has been a continent plagued with stereotypes concerning its development from the western point of view. Although African nations have struggled with some type of conflict since their independence in the 20th century, leading to devastating impacts such as increased mort…
The Wolof: Tallest Tribe in West Africa
The Wolof people are renowned as the tallest ethnic group in West Africa. Most of them being 6 feet tall, they exhibit a strikingly dark complexion, earning them the distinction of being the giants of West Africa. They are the largest ethnic group in Senegal mainly coming from the northwestern
How 1970 American Intervention Caused Present-Day Immigration Policy
The current crisis in immigration policy in practice is in large part the result of U.S. foreign policy of the destabilization of Latin American countries. To further understand this claim, a deep dive into 1970 U.S. Latin American intervention needs to occur. The U.S. has been intervening
Supply the Demand: The Methods and Effects of the Incorporation of the Americas into Global Commerce through Silver and Fur
During the early modern era, the Americas entered global commercial networks through supplying the demand within the silver and fur economies, directly and indirectly causing the decline of indigenous American populations. Silver emerged as a global currency in the sixteenth century, activating Boli…
Colonies of the Americas: Recreated Plus Created Social Hierarchies
During the early modern era, comprised by the three centuries from 1450 to 1750, colonies in the Americas preserved preexisting European social structures while establishing novel and complex racial hierarchies. In the Spanish colonial society on the lands of the Aztecs and the Incas, Spanish males…
The Miao People
Hmong communities can be found globally in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, the U.S., and France. But all of them are originally from China, where they are regarded as part of the Miao, a thriving culture of over 9 million people, distinct for their language, textiles, and cuisine. The Miao
The Zulu
Welcome to this week’s post, today is about the rich history of the Zulu People. Before learning about the Zulu it is important to understand the larger group they descend from: The Nguni People. The Nguni people are a group of Bantu people in Southern Africa who speak the Nguni
The Maasai People
Welcome to this weeks post, today is about the vibrant culture of the Maasai People. The Maasai people, known for their resilience and pastoralist lifestyle, have called the East African region home for centuries. Originating from the Nile region of Sudan, they migrated southward to their current t…
The Quechua People
Hello Everyone, Welcome to my first post on CulturaVerse! Just for some background CulturaVerse is an online blog that I (Arinze Haffner) run. In this blog, I will share the knowledge I have gained from research I have done about these cultures, and tie in some personal commentary and experiences.